Monday, October 7, 2013


Tigers are an endangered species, with almost less than 3,200 in the world today. Besides in zoos around the world most tigers are found in Amur-Heilong, the Eastern Himalayas, Greater Mekong, Borneo and Sumatra. There are six types of tigers; Sumatran, Amur, Bengal, Indochinese, South China, and the Malayan. With these I am only going to talk about the two critically endangered ones, the Sumatran, and the South China tiger. All tigers are being taken out of there homes in the wild and skinned, and many people are not just killing the tigers but by cutting down their forests where they live. South China Tiger The south China tiger had about 30-80 in 1996, but now they are technically extinct in China completely. Although China banned all tiger hunting many people in the 70's believed that the tiger was a pest. Now the plan for this animals since all are in zoos in Africa and some in southern China, they plan to have a land set up to reintroduce the captive tigers to be placed into the wild. Sumatran TigerThere are about less than 400 in the wild today. In Sumatra, it is the only place where tigers, rhinos, orangutans and elephants living together in the presence of the Sumatran tiger, which creates a presence of biodiversity in the forest. Much of our help is to rehabilitate the ones we have in captivity and slowly introduce them to being back into the wild. Humans are also setting up cameras in the wild to capture their life in the wild. Also the most important is to grow their own forest, which the government is trying to establish. What you can do is donate so we can all help rebuild our forests. The link is below. Thanks for reading!

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